Catholic Education Center

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Beginning in October! 2024-2025 Courses
Rev. Mr. Gerard-Marie Anthony, M.A., received his B.A. in Theology from Christendom College, and his M.A. in Theology from the Catholic Distance University. He also has earned Virginia Catholic Education Association Teaching Certification. Deacon Anthony is a professor of Biblical Studies at the Catholic Biblical School as well as a Presenter for Sophia Press Institute for Teachers. Deacon Anthony is an avid writer. He is the author Peaceful Hearts, Zealous Hearts: How the Sacred Heart and Divine Mercy Devotions’ Complementary Messages Make Us New (Sophia Press), Walking Humbly with God: How Friendships Build Confidence, Support the Church, and are the Key to the New Evangelization (En Route Books and Media), The Deacon and the Doctor: A Prescription for Navigating Child Loss (En Route Books and Media), Who Am I: The Theology of the Body in Prayer (Bazalel Books), and has contributed articles to the Arlington Catholic Herald, Deacon Digest, Homiletics and Pastoral Review, Liguorian Magazine, Ethics and Medics, Our Sunday Visitor Newsweekly, Lay Witness Magazine and Spirituality Today e-magazine. He has also been a guest on "Son Rise Morning Show", "Catholic Connection with Teresa Tomeo" (EWTN Radio), The Catholic Current (Stations of the Cross Radio) and other Radio programs. Deacon Anthony is a theologian, author, apologist, and serves the community with the Mother of Light Center (helps bring dignity to those who are going through hard times), A M.O.M.S Peace (helping families with miscarriage), the Divine Mercy Home (those near end of life), and the Legion of Mary.
BIBLICAL CATECHESIS is the Specialty of teaching the Faith with the Scriptures. Come, learn your Bible! This course offers a thorough review of Salvation History, and how it relates to our faith today. These five courses earn a Specialized Catechist Certification in Arlington Diocese. Come, join Dr. Katherine Evans to become confident in teaching with the Bible, understanding key figures and symbols in the Bible, and how our faith is truly Scriptural.
About the Instructor:
Dr. Katherine Evans is an enthusiastic convert to Catholicism, having come home to Rome in 2006. She has a master's degree in Theology, a master's degree in Counseling, and a doctorate in Education. She has been RCIA Director for the past 6 years, serving at both St. Patrick Church in Fredericksburg and St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception, where she is also the Assistant Director of Religious Education. She was previously a school principal in Haymarket for 7 years and taught third grade for 8 years. Her husband, Dr. Michael Evans, is a candidate in the diaconal program. They live near King George and attend St. Anthony Mission.
Spring 2025
About the Instructor:
Delores Nelson, M.A., earned an Honors Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from National University in San Diego, California in 1984 and a Masters in Computer Information Systems in 1990 from Strayer University. She earned a Masters in Theology from the Notre Dame Graduate School of Christendom College in 2003. Delores has retired from being a Director of Religious Education, but she continues her work in catechist formation as an instructor for the Catholic Education Center (for 12 years) and her work as founder of the Marian Society of Catechists and Teachers.
Fall 2024 to
Spring 2024
BIBLICAL CATECHESIS is the Specialty of teaching the Faith with the Scriptures. Come, learn your Bible! This course offers a thorough review of Salvation History, and how it relates to our faith today. These five courses earn a Specialized Catechist Certification in Arlington Diocese. Come, join Delores Nelson to become confident in teaching with the Bible, understanding key figures and symbols in the Bible, and how our faith is truly Scriptural.
About the Instructor:
Delores Nelson, M.A., earned an Honors Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from National University in San Diego, California in 1984 and a Masters in Computer Information Systems in 1990 from Strayer University. She earned a Masters in Theology from the Notre Dame Graduate School of Christendom College in 2003. Delores has retired from being a Director of Religious Education, but she continues her work in catechist formation as an instructor for the Catholic Education Center (for 12 years) and her work as founder of the Marian Society of Catechists and Teachers.
Jan. 2025
About the Instructor:
Delores Nelson, M.A., earned an Honors Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from National University in San Diego, California in 1984 and a Masters in Computer Information Systems in 1990 from Strayer University. She earned a Masters in Theology from the Notre Dame Graduate School of Christendom College in 2003. Delores has retired from being a Director of Religious Education, but she continues her work in catechist formation as an instructor for the Catholic Education Center (for 12 years) and her work as founder of the Marian Society of Catechists and Teachers.
Want to learn to confidently teach with any resource? These courses will review what we believe - and HOW to teach it!
Come learn from the best! Delores is amazing!